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BG388339480 08/07/2021
Great little truck for the money, and the extra batteries are nice to have. I made sure to buy softer tires right away, and installed them before I drove the truck the first time. The standard tires are pretty hard. It's not particularly quick with the original 180 motor, but it's a great little off-road truck, especially with softer tires, and it can climb really well. A good starter crawler/trail truck . There are heaps of great upgrade parts to be found, that will make the truck even better. I got a couple of RTR versions for my kids, and a kit metal one for myself. In retrospect I should have probably just gotten three RTRs instead, and upgraded as needed, as the two RTR trucks have been way easier to deal with. Softer tires are an essential upgrade if you want to do more than just run it around in the yard. Metal driveshafts and a stronger motor are nice to have too. nut not something you have to have (unless the original stuff breaks). A metal gear servo is another cheap upgrade you'll probably end up needing eventually, and works far better than the standard one. Upgrades are fairly cheap though, so you can keep this truck running for a long time, and make it even better if you want to.
Comments (9)
  • BG178571835 che pneumatici hai montato ?

    Reply 08/08/2021
  • BG388339480 @BG178571835 It has friction shocks with fairly soft springs.

    Reply 18/08/2021
  • jhammondmail which softer tyres did you buy?

    Reply 23/09/2021
  • BG388339480 I bought the WPL kit tyres. They're fairly cheap and work quite well. You can find them on here, or on the WPL site. WPL has quick and free shipping for a lot of their stuff.

    Reply 27/09/2021
  • reekoo to walk in forest with it, it is speed enough?:)

    Reply 12/10/2021
  • BG191571112 the beaten box must be standard ive ordered for 3 diffrent suppliers and got 3 diffrent models all having a broken box however the cars never came damaged in anyway

    Reply 11/11/2021
  • BeardedViking @reekoo Yeah, speed is decent for that. That\'s what we\'ve mainly done, taken it with us when going for walks in the forrest.

    Reply 12/12/2021
  • BG255323025 Hei, ser du er Norsk så da går det sikkert bra å skrive en mld, var bilen i grei standard? altså som er noe vits å kjøpe ? jeg liker RC med litt kvalitet, har egentlig mest lyst til å bygge en formula offroad, men en vanlig off road eller crawler er også gøy :) men du skriver man får masse deler, er det noe man får kjøpt i f-eks Norske RC butikker ? eller er det kun kina og internet som gjelder ?

    Reply 11/05/2023
  • BeardedViking Reply to BG255323025:beklager at jeg ikke har sett denne tidligere. Så lett er det å holde oversikten her...

    Bilen er hobby grade, I den forstand at det er deler å få, og at det er lett å jobbe på den. Deler til denne får du så vidt jeg vet ikke i Norge, men rikelig utvalg fra wpl sin egen nettside, her på banggood, eller på Aliexpress. Delene er rimelige også.

    Denne er ikke kjapp, men grei til å gå på tur i skogen med. Kan oppgraderes til å bli raskere og klare mer terreng. Kvaliteten er kurant, og god om du ser det opp mot prisen. Ikke på nivå med mer etablerte merker, vel å merke.

    Skal du ha en god, liten bil med god klatreevne kan det være lurt å kikke på FMS fcx eller Hobby Plus sine 1 til 18, eller Traxxas trx4m.

    Det som er fint med wpl er at de ser kjempebra ut, er billigere, og er enkle å jobbe på. Jeg har litt videoer av dem på YouTube. Søk etter Brorb RC der. 😊

    Reply 16/10/2023
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