
noel328 Probably not as many keys are brass and not magnetic. Also the lock itself is metal and having much more surface area than the end profile of a key, the magnet will stick to that rather than the key. You could possibly use a tiny drop of super glue on the end of a bamboo square or toothpick and very carefully glue it to the end of the key. Be careful not to use too much so you don’t glue the key into the lock.

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Q: Can the magnet really pull 300 kg?

Asked by Timoswart04 on 2019-04-15 16:19:00

noel328 As stated the Max pull is 300kgs but that is only if the magnet is placed on a flat piece of smooth steel. Most submerged metal is either corroded with barnacles and other things growing on it or not perfectly flat. It would also need the full surface of the magnet face to be in contact with the metal. In these cases the magnet will still attach to the item but the capacity will be less. I pulled up a submerged bike after several attempts by attaching to the round bar on the body. The magnet kept coming off the bike because the bar was round and the contact area was relatively small.

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