
align_sucks I contacted fvt directly by email, although a google search will show where to get the software. esc wire goes to one end and a mini usb on thd other. Doesn't get much simpler than that

align_sucks 05/01/2021
Comments (2)

align_sucks Why do you need them? And do you have links for them?(can't find a "new" swashplate for the TBR on the alzrc site)

Kevltan 25/02/2018
Comments (1)

align_sucks No email received from customer service - only ones I get are shipping confirmations and advertisements for your products. I know why mine isn't working - the 2 ground contacts haven't been soldered, but my soldering skills aren't up to fixing it. Poor quality control on redcon's part. I guess when people are giving products 5 star reviews without even testing them alarm bells should be going off.

align_sucks 25/03/2017
Comments (4)