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BG353323949 Hello. I plugged in the CJ 730 and shows me the location in China. My location is SOUTH AFRICA republic. What's wrong?

2021-04-16 07:35:53 Helpful (4)
Answers (13)

BG353323949 Dankievir jou goeie terugvoering

jspooren 17/10/2019
Excellent tracking device! The low power consumption makes it usable on a motorbike. I tried some other trackers before, but with a current consumption of 50 mA, it would quickly drain the motorbike battery. This tracker features a sort of automatic powersave mode, in which the power consumption drops to around 3 or 4 mA. I've had it in my motorbike and after a weekend of no riding, the bike still starts at the first try! When the device is unplugged, its built-in battery will report a power loss notification with the coordinates. I will still keep on monitoring for a while, but I'm unsure for how long. The device is very accurate, responds fast to text messages and features an 'arm' mode. In armed mode (activate by sending '111' to the device and deactivate by sending '000'), it will send a text message when it detects movement. If I e.g. the bike is taken off the side stand it will send a text message 'Shock alarm!', which includes a link to Google Maps with the exact position of the bike. If you want to know where the bike is, just text 'where' to the device and it will text back its position with a Google Maps link. I haven't tested the tracking web site, because for privacy reasons, I do not want the device to continuously report my position to some foreign data center. However, even if you don't configure that, the device still makes data connections, as is visible from my mobile operator's usage report. I guess it's phoning home to China anyway. A solution could be to configure the SIM card with faulty APN data, but I haven't yet tried that. The device looks very inconspicuous, just like a regular relay. You really wouldn't guess it's a GPS receiver, cellphone transceiver and motion detector in one. One negative point is the quality of the manual: I have e.g. no idea what 'shock sleep' is or what the function of 'upload frequency' is and the exact meaning of the data in the position text message are also not clarified. But, excellent device!!
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