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Q: How many current?

Asked by CarlosLeibner on 2018-11-24 10:19:27

chimpy I would tend to believe anonymous..

2021-08-22 05:05:06 Helpful (0)
Answers (3)

CarlosLeibner Elfabricante indica que el material es plástico ABS. El ABS se utiliza en la mayoría de los aparatos electrodomésticos. En mi opinión, para usar en la producción de alimentos solo confío en el acero inoxidable 316.

2019-08-18 10:19:29 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)

Q: it's convert normal water to hot water?

Asked by zdms1974 on 2019-08-10 07:06:32

CarlosLeibner Esuna bomba que impulsa el agua. No calienta el agua

2019-08-18 10:12:01 Helpful (0)
Answers (2)

Q: B1, B2 and B3 contacts, are usefull for...?

Asked by CarlosLeibner on 2019-02-13 01:49:11

wujiahui I do not really understand what you mean. B1 represents the positive pole of the first battery and B2 represents the positive pole of the second battery.

2019-02-13 07:45:48 Helpful (2)
Answers (1)